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Sunday, December 4, 2011
Deer hairpins
Aren't they just adorable? Especially for little girls? Oh, how I love week-end crafting :-).
I had all these unfinished pairs of earrings waiting to be finished - and now they are :-).
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by!
Winter skirt
I finally managed to finish my skirt! It has taken me quite some time because
1. I have to work hard on my PhD
2. it had some 'new' features: an invisible zipper and it's partially lined (at the waistband).
But I wore it to work Thursday (that's why it's a bit creased :-) ), and I'm so happy of how it turned out. The blue is so beautiful.
And yes, it's the same fabric as part of the Tohoku Tote: I had already cut the pieces of the skirt before making the bag, and used what I had left for the bag.
Btw about the bag: my cat sat on it and ruined the front part, so I've taken it apart and will be reassembling it ... I see this as an opportunity to add the pocket I felt was missing, so it's not really a big deal :-). Can't stay mad at my little fellow ;-).
Thanks for stopping by!
PS: Sorry for the crappy lighting - it's a rainy Belgian day ...
1. I have to work hard on my PhD
2. it had some 'new' features: an invisible zipper and it's partially lined (at the waistband).
But I wore it to work Thursday (that's why it's a bit creased :-) ), and I'm so happy of how it turned out. The blue is so beautiful.
And yes, it's the same fabric as part of the Tohoku Tote: I had already cut the pieces of the skirt before making the bag, and used what I had left for the bag.
Btw about the bag: my cat sat on it and ruined the front part, so I've taken it apart and will be reassembling it ... I see this as an opportunity to add the pocket I felt was missing, so it's not really a big deal :-). Can't stay mad at my little fellow ;-).
Thanks for stopping by!
PS: Sorry for the crappy lighting - it's a rainy Belgian day ...
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Flower hairpins
I knew I had to make some - love how they turned out!
Aren't they just adorable? Can't wait to make more - but what will I do with all those hair clips ;-)?
Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Lili makes ... a bouquet
One of my colleagues (and a good friend) defended her PhD yesterday (and she did great btw!).
I worked in a flower shop all through university, and I loved it. It's been almost 6 years ago since I last worked there, but I always have this Proust-madeleine experience when I pass by a flower shop or stall ... So it was pretty obvious for me that when colleagues decided I would be in charge of the bouquet we would hand her at the end of the defense (since I "know" my way around best), that I personally would assemble the bouquet - which I did. I just went to the local market (it conveniently was the same day as the defense, so yay for fresh flowers!), chose what I wanted and assembled it at home.
This is the result :-)

The bouquet was made out of "Vampire" roses, hypericum and alstroemeria. I also used tree fern, leather fern and bear grass.
I also applied a trick from my florist days: the water bubble. It's very easy, and comes in handy if you know your host doesn't really have a vase at hand.
You just cut out two squares out of some wrapping plastic, and place one on top of the other (extra layers, so the water won't flush out). You take the plastic sheets and wrap them around the bottom of your bouquet, as if you wanted to make a "bubble". Secure everything at the bottom of your bouquet (last picture: where you can see the ribbon) with tape, and then you fill the bubble with water (I did it with my shower hose, so you don't spill any water. If you have a long water tap, that's just fine - I just didn't have the space in my tiny kitchen to do so). The trick for having the bouquet standing up without tipping over is cutting the bouquet in a 'straight' manner. Just test out before making the bubble whether your bouquet can stand upright without tipping over, and you'll be fine. I hope this makes some sense ;-). If not, please feel free to ask!
Thanks for stopping by!
I worked in a flower shop all through university, and I loved it. It's been almost 6 years ago since I last worked there, but I always have this Proust-madeleine experience when I pass by a flower shop or stall ... So it was pretty obvious for me that when colleagues decided I would be in charge of the bouquet we would hand her at the end of the defense (since I "know" my way around best), that I personally would assemble the bouquet - which I did. I just went to the local market (it conveniently was the same day as the defense, so yay for fresh flowers!), chose what I wanted and assembled it at home.
This is the result :-)
Before: getting things ready |
And after! |
I also applied a trick from my florist days: the water bubble. It's very easy, and comes in handy if you know your host doesn't really have a vase at hand.
You just cut out two squares out of some wrapping plastic, and place one on top of the other (extra layers, so the water won't flush out). You take the plastic sheets and wrap them around the bottom of your bouquet, as if you wanted to make a "bubble". Secure everything at the bottom of your bouquet (last picture: where you can see the ribbon) with tape, and then you fill the bubble with water (I did it with my shower hose, so you don't spill any water. If you have a long water tap, that's just fine - I just didn't have the space in my tiny kitchen to do so). The trick for having the bouquet standing up without tipping over is cutting the bouquet in a 'straight' manner. Just test out before making the bubble whether your bouquet can stand upright without tipping over, and you'll be fine. I hope this makes some sense ;-). If not, please feel free to ask!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Bias maker and other ingenious printables!
I'm really in awe of what bloggers produce. All those ideas! And when it's made available for everyone, I'm even happier. So when I saw this today, I knew I had to show my appreciation and share it!

It's a *printable bias making device*. It might not sound impressive, but I'm sure going to use it! Now that I have this tool, I'm sure bias making will be soooo much easier. Can't wait to print it out and test it, actually!
And that's not the only instrument the Scientific Seamstress has made available! You can find very helpful folding templates here and a circular template here! Thank you so much, Carla!

It's a *printable bias making device*. It might not sound impressive, but I'm sure going to use it! Now that I have this tool, I'm sure bias making will be soooo much easier. Can't wait to print it out and test it, actually!
And that's not the only instrument the Scientific Seamstress has made available! You can find very helpful folding templates here and a circular template here! Thank you so much, Carla!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tohoku Tote (English version)
I've been thinking about making a bag for quite some time. Of course, the reversible bag I made before is a bag, but you know what I mean. I wanted something that looked just like a bag I could have bought in a store. And when I saw the Tohoku Tote, I knew this was a bag I had to make. Such an amazing design! And it looked very feasible too. So this is my first attempt at bagmaking, and I'm very happy of how it turned out. As soon as I have time, I'll be making another one - the fabrics are already waiting ;-) ...
A Tohoku Tote!
I was so happy when I took it to work. It's quite an understatement when I'm saying that I showed it off :-).
I was thinking that I didn't really do anything special with the pattern, but I did tweak the pattern a bit by adding just one long strap instead of two smaller handles - I like being able to just carry my bag on the shoulder. The fabrics I used were a grey pleather coupon from the local fabric shop, some bright blue velvety fabric, and some basic IKEA cotton for the inside of the bag. I did interface the whole thing, which gives the bag the structure it needs. And I thought I wouldn't need an inside pocket, but I actually do, so that's what I'll add next time. What a great pattern :-)!
Notebook cover
As I might have mentioned before, I'm quite busy writing up my PhD thesis at the moment. Luckily, I have made a few things the past months I could blog about. This notebook cover is one of those things. It's made to fit an A5 size notebook, has a little pocket to put things away (like a pen, etc.) and is just very cute. I followed this tutorial and it worked out great. It was my first project with so much topstitching though :-).
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Snelle bobbypins
Ik heb weinig tijd om zelf iets te maken, maar wel altijd efkes tijd om op het internet rond te dwalen. En dit wil ik wel zelf even maken, van zodra ik het lijmpistool van bij mijn ouders kan lenen ;-). Tutorial hier.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Wow, cool!
Soms ben ik echt verbaasd over wat mensen maken, en hoe gemakkelijk dat soms is! Wat dachten jullie hiervan:
Echt super, nietwaar? Wel, het is nog gemakkelijk te maken ook! Hier vind je een heel simpele tutorial. De feestjes van Kara zijn echt wel de moeite waard ... Ik denk dat ik er 'n aantal zal maken, van zodra ik tijd heb ;-)
Echt super, nietwaar? Wel, het is nog gemakkelijk te maken ook! Hier vind je een heel simpele tutorial. De feestjes van Kara zijn echt wel de moeite waard ... Ik denk dat ik er 'n aantal zal maken, van zodra ik tijd heb ;-)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tohoku Tote
For an English version of this post, click here
Ik zit al langer met het idee te spelen om eens een tas te maken. Natuurlijk is de reversible bag (zie vorige post) ook 'n tas, maar toch: ik wou iets proberen te maken waarvan je niet meteen zou kunnen zeggen dat het zelfgemaakt is. En toen zag ik de Tohoku Tote. Ik dacht: "waaaaaw"! Dus dit is mijn eerste probeersel in het tassenmaken. Ik denk dat ik er minstens nog eentje zal maken - ik vind die echt super. De stofjes liggen zelfs al klaar ;-).
Ik zit al langer met het idee te spelen om eens een tas te maken. Natuurlijk is de reversible bag (zie vorige post) ook 'n tas, maar toch: ik wou iets proberen te maken waarvan je niet meteen zou kunnen zeggen dat het zelfgemaakt is. En toen zag ik de Tohoku Tote. Ik dacht: "waaaaaw"! Dus dit is mijn eerste probeersel in het tassenmaken. Ik denk dat ik er minstens nog eentje zal maken - ik vind die echt super. De stofjes liggen zelfs al klaar ;-).
Tiens, wat hangt daar ineens aan de waslijn? |
Moh, 'n Tohoku Tote! |
Amai zeg, ik moet toegeven dat ik wel heb zitten stoefen toen ik die meehad naar het werk ... De collega's weten ondertussen wel dat naaien mijn nieuwe hobby geworden is, maar de tas zag er niet direct zelfgemaakt uit - missie geslaagd!
De stofjes van de buitenkant komen gewoon van bij Pauli in Leuven (grijs similileer en 'n felblauwe verloursachtige stof; 't zijn alletwee couponnekes); stofje aan de binnenkant is het welbekende IKEA katoentje. Ik heb de binnenvoering en de voorkant van de buitenvoering verstevigd met Vlieseline, en aan de achterkant heb ik de stevigste Vlieseline gebruikt die ze bij de Veritas hadden :-).
Het patroon heb ik ook meteen 'n beetje getweaked: in plaats van twee handvaten heb ik liever één groot, zodat ik de tas als schoudertas kan dragen - ik heb m'n handen graag vrij. En hoewel ik dacht geen zakjes nodig te hebben, zal ik er de volgende keer wél eentje insteken, voor de sleutelbos ... Echt 'n geweldig patroon!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Eerste tas ... de reversible bag!
Ah, was dat 'n plezant tasje om te maken - de reversible bag, volgens het welgekende patroon en tutorial van Very purple person. Heel tof om te maken, ook al werden de nodige beginnersfoutjes gemaakt (randen niet genoeg afgeknipt, etc. - 't zal menig naaister wel bekend in de oren klinken ;-) ).
In ieder geval, ik vind het 'n schoon exemplaar, zo met Toile de Jouy (ik vind dat wel héél schoon stofkes)
In ieder geval, ik vind het 'n schoon exemplaar, zo met Toile de Jouy (ik vind dat wel héél schoon stofkes)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Speldje en oorringen
En we kunnen al beginnen met 'n aantal oudere maaksels (nog 'n chance dat ik al een aantal dingen heb gemaakt! Zo kan ik gemakkelijk een aantal posts uit mijn mouw schudden, haha). Ik heb een speldje opgevrolijkt met 'n aantal fimo-donuts e.d. (gevonden bij Hexagoon) en 'n aantal oorringen gemaakt (de uiltjes komen ook van Hexagoon - ik heb er nog in het blauw, op de kop getikt via eBay) ...
Al zeg ik het zelf, ik vind het wel goed gelukt - en schattig!
Die lichtblauwe, links, behoren echt tot mijn favorieten. Echt schoon parels, van bij het elfenatelier

Al zeg ik het zelf, ik vind het wel goed gelukt - en schattig!
Mijn excuses trouwens voor de povere kwaliteit van de oorring-foto's: getrokken in de badkamer, waar het schattige vogelstandaardje staat (ook van bij Hexagoon trouwens - 't is precies nogal duidelijk van waar mijn fournituren vandaan komen ...).
Er zijn er ondertussen nog een aantal bijgekomen (en 'n nieuwe display, in elkaar geknutseld door Het Lief), maar da's voor 'n volgende post ;-)!
Voilà, 't is zover!
Zoals de titel van dit blogberichtje het zo treffend samenvat: 't is zover, ik heb besloten om ook met 'n blogje te beginnen! Spannend :-). Hopelijk kan ik hier snel veel maaksels op zwieren!
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